Tuesday, September 12, 2006


This is memorial site for our beloved baby son, Weston James Gentry, who was born on March 25, 2003 and died April 28, 2003 in Texas Children's Hospital.

This morning, I've done some work on grieving...and it is very hard work. I'm getting rid of all of my baby stuff and I have so many items that remind me of Weston. Today, the hardest piece was a little flannel triangle I used for keeping him cozy in his crib and laying on his back. You have to keep babies on their backs so they don't smother in their blankets. Anyway, it drove me to tears....really strong ones for a full hour. Then I found hospital reports and nursing items and more reports. This drove me to the "chest" of Weston items and I began pulling out all the heartbreaking pieces. I don't know how often I'll post here. I don't think it will be often, but I do think it will be good for me. I love you sweet boy.


SeamRippstress said...

mommy still loves you precious son. I miss you and I know I will hold you and nurse you again one day. tears...tears...tears...

Ron Southern said...

Hey, Houston girl, I didn't know I was coming here. I'm so sorry. My nephew's son is 2 and a half. I don't want to be his Daddy, but I'm glad he's my friend.

SeamRippstress said...

Hey Ron Southern, i didn't know I was coming here tonight either. I was happy to find you here. Most men are scared shitless to come here - much less leave a comment. Your are not most men. Thank you : )

molly jean said...

This mommy also remembers and grieves, especially on the birthday of my little boy who would be 16 years old. His name was Eliot. When born he appeared healthy and beautiful. But the next day it was apparent that all was not well with his heart. We flew to Cooks Childrens' Hospital, in Fort Worth, where he under went a 7 hour open heart surgery but died in recovery. He was still beautiful! He lived 5 days.

I don't often cry for him anymore but the hurt and loss will always be with me.
My prayers for blessings on you and your family.

Hamza matar said...

Now the girl with blue in her eyes
She's back laughing, am still wondering, why I was captured by her eyes?

gaily said...

oh gosh. this must hurt alot. it hurts me just to read it. i live here in Houston, too, and just saw your beautiful blog. Wishing you peace and happiness from here on!